Since posting about my Sperry Camp mocs I have received quite a few questions surrounding camp mocs from, “Can I pull them off?” to ,”Where do you find them?”. The answer to these questions is, yes and everywhere.
Let’s start with the pulling them off question. If you can pull off boat shoes you can easily pull off camp mocs. I see camp mocs as the less preppy cousin to the boat shoe. It’s a little more rugged than its cousin and doesn’t carry the country club connotation that some connect with boat shoes, but it offers all of the advantages of the boat shoe. It also looks fine with socks which makes camp mocs wearable year round.
Everywhere may have been a bit of a stretch, but you can easily find them. The L.L. Bean’s handsewn Camp moc is the quintessential camp moc. It has a great shape, price, and is always available. I opted for their Signature version which for only $10 more dollars features much nicer leather. If you are looking for something a little nicer you can choose from Quoddy (Canoe Moc) or Rancourt (Gilman Camp Moc). These options are both priced right around $250. Last, but not least are the Sperry’s gold cup mocs. They don’t have the best shape, but their comfort level and fit made up for that.
Basically, camp mocs are awesome. These low-key mocs allow you to go sock-less in the summer and look great with chunky wool socks in the winter. They also won’t break the bank (unless you go top of the line) and with their tradder than prep appearance they may be just what you are looking for this summer.
Camp Mocs are my favorite shoe. I probably wear camp mocs 85 percent of the time. IF the Sperry product were offered in an E width I would get a couple of pairs because it really does seem like a good value for price. Though I really admire Quoddy and Rancourt and I wear camp mocs a lot this is not the shoe I am going to spend $250.00 on. I stick with L.L. Bean due to price and width availability. Jerrod I am jealous of your shoes.
I like sperry boat shoes. I got rid of all my camp mocs.
Jerrod — I recently bought a pair of the LLB camp mocs to replace my current very worn pair, but sent them back because the leather was too stiff. The pair in your pictures look perfect. Is that the Signature version? What I difference. I’ll need to order a pair. Thanks.
Charlottesville – Thank you. The ones pictured in this post are the Sperry camp mocs. The leather is much softer, but like I said the shape is not as good. My Signature mocs do have much nicer leather than the standard Bean mocs, but there is still some stiffness.
Since 2016 was your Summer of Moccasins, I was curious about an update on how your various driving moccasins held up last year, especially the Minnetonkas. Did they make it through the year and how was the wear? Thanks.
Jack – The Minnetonkas have held up very well. The Classic Drivers ended up being my favorite of the 2. I wore/wear them primarily indoors, but they made quite a few outdoor trips. I have added a second pair as a backup, but have not needed them yet. I bet that I get 1-2 more years out of my first pair. I give them two thumbs up!