There is a in-depth piece in the works, but I wanted to give a glimpse into how and why I went trad now. I was graduating from college, about to enter corporate America, and I didn’t know how to dress for it (or at least that’s what I thought). While searching for my white-collar uniform I was drawn to the blue OCBD, khaki chino, and penny loafer look.
It seemed like the perfect uniform. It struck me as having the perfect balance. It was utilitarian and intellectual at the same time. It was staid but not austere. It was worn by the left, right, and center. It felt like the perfect disguise for a working class kid that did not feel like he belonged. In this uniform I thought that they would think that I was one of them. They wouldn’t know if I thought like this or like that.
If you are not sure who the above are you can read about them Julian Bond here and William F. Buckley and the Buckleys here.
I think a lot of the appeal of trad/ivy is what it’s NOT.
Not tight, baggy, shiny, pinched, padded, short, long, pleated/rolled/tucked, or “loud”.
It’s tailored to your form, with some room for comfort, the proportions are cut to the body (jacket covers the seat, and stops; sleeves go the wrist, and stop; slacks go to the shoe tops, and [usually] stop), and nothing appears to be too much, or too little. Colors and patterns are often muted, but still easily visible.
Very well said!
I’m looking forward to reading your in-depth piece. I have become frustrated in trying to source traditional tailored menswear. My local vendors, of which there are fewer and fewer, only offer items that are, to me, uncomfortable to wear. I have always preferred the Ivy look, and particularly the fit of those items, but they are hard to come by these days. I hope you will provide some information on good sources. I know of one: Mercer & Sons for shirts. I started buying their shirts about 3 years ago, and I doubt I’ll ever go back to another vendor.
Thank you. Hopefully you will enjoy it. I think if you stick to Mercer, O’Connell’s, and JPress you’d find everything you want. Then you can add in a more modern maker of classics like Jack Donnelly khakis and Jake’s shirts for variety. I hope this helps!
Great post, great comments, as usual. I like Mercer, too, as well as O’Connell’s. I’d be willing to travel to Buffalo for MTM except for the problem that Southwick is no longer what it was, and Samuelson, well I’m not sure they still have some older models in their repertoire of MTM options. I stopped into a local men’swear place a couple of weeks ago, and the salesman looked in the catalogue and said those models are not listed. It seems to me that taking options off the MTM table, even if rarely requested is silly.