Brooks Brothers Jacket Illustrations (1979-1982)

It wasn’t too long ago that Brooks Brothers catalogs contained more illustrations than actual photographs. Their illustrated sack jacket sticks out in my mind as having one of the most perfect sack silhouettes that I have ever seen. The proportions and the lapel rolls are great, but the shoulders are simply perfect. I bet that it’s a lot easier to draw soft soldiers than it is to make them in real life, but these illustrations sure make you long for one of those jackets. I have included a few of these illustrations from 1972-1982 Brooks Brothers catalogs.

BB Blazer Jacket 1980 SpringSpring 1980 Brooks Brothers

Spring 1982 Brooks Brothers Sport Jacket

1981 3 piece Brooks Brothers


Grey Herringbone Sack Sport JacketFall 1981 Grey Herringbone Sport CoatBrooks Brothers Jacket Fall & Winter 1981Spring 1980 BB Sport CoatBrooks Brothers Jacket Winter 1981 PlaidLight weight BB Winter JacketBrooks Brothers Jacket Spring 1982Spring 1980 Seersucker JacketSpring Sport Jacket 1982 Brooks Brothers


oxford cloth button down
Jerrod Swanton is a simple man interested in simple, classic, and traditional style.

4 Comments on "Brooks Brothers Jacket Illustrations (1979-1982)"

  1. Reactionary Trad says:

    Shoulders are perfect, but most have too much waist-suppression.
    Nos. 10 and 12 (light weight undated winter jacket and 1980 seersucker jacket) come closest to being genuine sack models.

  2. max says:

    great post- thanks for sharing these marvelous pix-

  3. Randy Esposito says:

    I was a customer in 1979 but I went to the store. My salesman was Mr. Richard Ward in the Willow Grove Mall. Great salesman always dressed in a suite and tie/

  4. Brian Marks says:

    I remember the Brooks Brothers line art from the 70s and 80s era was immaculate and unique to Brooks. Perhaps some of the best line art ever presented in the apparel retailing.

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