When people learn that I have a blog it often leads to a discussion about the style that I blog about. Generally, I will say something like, “It is about traditional American style. They look at me puzzled. I say, think boring preppy. They get a better idea.” The conversation almost always ends up with me providing a few examples of companies that I think “get it.” Lately I have tried to find the best example of a company that not only understands the traditional American audience, but that can style the clothes for this audience as well. So who does get it?
Companies that Get it
As you can see from my who’s who llist of the Trad world above there are quite a few companies that cater to this audience, but that’s only one part of this challenge. Next, the company must have a website that is reflective of their offerings (this knocks out the Andover Shop). Then, the website has to feature real people in the clothes. Just laying a tie over a shirt is not going to cut it (There goes O’Connell’s and J.Press).
The last two standing are Brooks Brothers and Ben Silver. You would think that Brooks Brothers might be the favorite, or at least make it competitive, but they don’t. Their audience is too wide and their offerings too vast. The result is a vast array of styles worn in primarily ill-fitting fashion. This is most likely due to the sheer volume of styling that was required.
Ben Silver wins. They get it. The clothing here is presented in a way that is authentic to the style and the day. From now on Ben Silver is where I will send a friend or acquaintance when they want to see a current example of the look. For more, 7ou can browse through the Ben Silver Fall 2014 online catalog here: Ben Silver Fall 2014 and visit the Ben Silver website.
I love Silver’s offerings and site, just not the prices. I’m not certain they’re unfair, just a little rich for me. O’Connell’s could use a new site, but their product range (especially the house brand) is pretty accessible.
Going through the Ben Silver catalogue reminded me of the joy I used to get going through the Brooks Brothers catalogue, but I must admit that the Ben Silver catalogue is even better than BB was even in its prime.
That Silver catalog is almost as good as a visit to the shop.
Ben Silver has fantastic, very expensive clothes. However, their jackets are two button versus the wonderful 3/2 roll trad standard. That does not beat O’Connell’s in my book. I do wish O’Connell’s would do some patch pockets….
NCTrad & Erik,
I agree that O’Connell’s is more trad than Ben Silver’s. I am a huge fan of O’Connell’s. However, O’Connell’s couldn’t win this contest, because they don’t use people to model their clothing. If they did that I am sure that they would be where I would send people that ask, “What does Traditional American style look like?”
Ethan and company know their stuff. Heck, everyone on my list knows their stuff and could put together a fantastic rig at will. The question isn’t can they. The questions is do they on their website? Ben Silver’s models are head and shoulder above the rest.
NCTrad – I do wish they did a 3/2, but they do pick some of the best looking fabrics.
Are you familiar with Dann?
Old World Gent,
I know that it exists, it has a crazy layout, and that it is intriguing. I also know a few ppl that have had no luck in contacting them. What can you tell me about them?
Thanks for this post, as I had forgotten about Ben Silver’s web site. I browsed through the on line catalog and I stumbled upon something odd. Ben Silver offers no suits or sport coats in a short, which I can find. Being 5’6” a regular, let alone a long, would not fit. Brooks Bothers, J.Press and O’Connell’s all do. With The Andover Shop and their limited website, I was unable to tell. Ben Silver may get traditional American style right, but I curious as to why they threw sizing for a man my height out the door.
I am glad that I could help. I also feel your pain being a 36S-38R myself depending on the cut and maker. I wish more companies would cater to adult men this size.There are lots of us. However, the Ben Silver site says that, “Other sizes can be cut upon request if fabric is available, please inquire with customer service,” but I wish we didn’t have to ask. Imagine if it didn’t fit!
I’ll be going there to find items for my husband. It seems there are more companies for men to find trad clothes than women.
Hi ocbd I was wondering how many ocbd’s you have and how often you rewear your clothes.
Unfortunately, I’ve had no luck in contacting Dann either.
Grammatical self-correction:
I haven’t had any luck in contacting Dann either.
Western Trad,
I have about 15 OCBDs (10 blue, 2 uni, 2 white, 1 pink). I wear them fairly hard week in and week out. I also only keep 5 pairs of chinos, wear them weekly, and wash them every two wears. Hope this helps!
Old World Gent – I was hoping to hear otherwise.
Adding on to what western trad asked, I was wondering what you had in your wardrobe as a whole. Like how many shorts in what colors, how many shoes, how many casual shirts etc. Maybe you could do separate a post.
Dear Sir,
Am I missing anything? Why is Southwick excluded from your list?
Regards from Trad Italy,
Theodore – I will definitely consider it, but I have to warn you that it would be very boring!
Stefano – Southwick is absent for two reason. One, they don’t sell direct. Two, their website styling is nothing to write home about (Minus the Douglas model. I like the tie, shirt, and SC combo: https://www.southwick.com/Douglas)t.
However, you are right to suggest them. Especially seeing how they supply many on my list with some of the best sport coats that they carry. Thanks for speaking up!
How odd, I’d been fixated on Ben Silver the past few days, looking at pics on Instagram and perusing the website. I’m not as adamantly Trad as most of your readers, but I can still appreciate a fine men’s store when I come across one, and they offer quite a lot of nice stuff. Esquire TV’s “The Alternate Route” paid a visit to Ben Silver last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aly0erDfFAo
Your website was brought to my attention by some of our customers. I wanted to thank you for the kind words and for including us on your site!
Jim – Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it. You are very welcome. Keep up the great work!