I thought that I could, but it turns out that I can’t go a week without posting something. I had every intention of not posting a blog this week. I am still playing catch up after having the norovirus for a week (it started on Thanksgiving day). Then, I celebrated Christmas over the weekend with out of town family. All of that to say that I am out of my routine, but I wanted to assure everyone that I am doing well. Last thing, if you have not started prepping for Christmas consider this your friendly reminder to do so. It is closing in quickly! Merry Christmas!
Early Christmas

Sorry to hear of your recent illness and to let you know I applaud your efforts keeping up with the website despite same. While I would not want you to experience any untoward side effects, your dedication to your audience is appreciated. Congratulations also on the five year milestone!
Visiting your website has become a routine and valued part of my week–I frequently find perspectives and recommendations I can take to heart. In particular, your suggestion regarding the versatility and utility of an olive surcingle belt I found quite on target. Having purchased one for myself (O’Connell’s), I followed up with two additional Christmas belt purchases for my sons–we’ll call this our “club” belt. Please keep up the good work and all the best in the holiday season and coming year.
Merry Christmas, Jerrod. Hope your recovery is complete. Very best wishes for you and for year 6 of OCBD!
Hello Jerrod,
Just spent the last hour catching up on your beautiful blog. Sorry I have not visited in a while.
I absolutely love your recent rigs. I am not sure about the beard but it may grow on me. Did you pull the trigger on a new man bag?
Lots of love,
Andy G
Thanks everyone!
Andy – No bag yet. The beard has not won me over yet either.
Charlottesville – Thanks!
Child doc – Thank you for sharing. It made me happy to hear.
Merry Christmas, Jerrod! Raising my glass to hopefully many more years of OCBD!