A tie after hours

I had only been home for a few minutes when I remembered that I had a few errands that I needed to run. Before heading out the door I thought that I might as well throw on a tie. You know, just for fun. So I did.

I don’t get the chance to wear a tie to work these days, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities to wear one. Adding the tie was a good idea. I wasn’t publicly shamed. No one even noticed. More importantly, I enjoyed it. It was also a chance to break out my old engine-turned buckle and strap which I did on the cheap (engine-turned buckle). The moral of this story is that there are more opportunities to wear a tie than you may think. If you would like to take advantage of them, please do.

oxford cloth button down
Jerrod Swanton is a simple man interested in simple, classic, and traditional style.

16 Comments on "A tie after hours"

  1. Great looking necktie! I too never miss the chance to put on one. Half Windsor and Four in Hand knots although more and more I find myself using the latter, which simply knots better in most instances and requires less effort to make it look right.

    Best Regards,


  2. Old Bostonian says:

    Happy to be one of the fortunate few who have the opportunity to wear a tie almost every day.

  3. JDV says:

    What a wonderful perspective. Never occurred to me as an option for those working in offices which eschew business dress. I live in Colorado where many do not wear ties, even jackets, even to funerals and weddings. How unfortunate. Have to admit I am not motivated to wear a tie in non office settings, other than to those held in church, but this idea is creative. Thank you.

    • oxford cloth button down says:

      Colorado sounds like most of the US. There are quite few non-work places you can get away with wearing a tie. You mentioned church, but also museums, charity events, nice restaurants, etc. Essentially any place where other men will be wearing ties.

      • JDV says:

        Excellent point. My wife and I go out to a nice dinner four – five timex annually: Valentines, my birthday, her birthday, and our anniversary. New Year’s Eve but it’s harder to get a sitter that night. Last year on our anniversary we went to a very nice place in town, called The Pepper Tree. Waiters in black tie, small number of tables, speaking in hushed tones, etc. I wore a black suit with tie. But of about 15 tables, saw no other ties and only two or three jackets. We go there once every other year or so and this was the first time I’d noticed the slouch. No point in them requiring the waiters to dress properly any longer. What’s the difference when patrons wear a T shirt, as one did that night. As I once heard a business associate conclude, “Ruth’s Chris? Why wear a tie to Ruths’ Chris?” But basically, restaurants could not compete here in this area if they required proper attire. People would just go elsewhere. My church is no different, in fact, worse.

  4. Thomas E. Friedman says:

    Nice tie. Now that we will be sitting on our asses watching TV a lot more, I find myself critiquing the attire of the news anchors and weathermen. Nothing looks crappier than those too tight suits that pull against the middle. Most of them wear fairly decent ties. We need to see more repps like the one you’re wearing.

  5. Tim says:

    What brand of khakis? The rise seems high on you.

  6. Charlottesville says:

    Barbour coat and a classic BB repp stripe. Great look, Jerrod. I tend to wear a tie most days, even though not required to do so, but I know that some workplaces would make one feel uncomfortable in a tie. Even here a senior administrative type commented this morning “You don’t have to wear a suit, you know.” It was said in good-natured teasing, and I am secure enough in my position not to need to care what people think about my clothes, but it is true that some people just don’t get it. The slobification of the culture has triumphed. Still, no reason not to put on a tie if one likes, even if working from home.

  7. Woofboxer says:

    Looks really nice Ox, shame that guys have to do soul searching before tie’ing the knot. When you put on a jacket and shirt it feels like something is missing without a tie. I wear a knit tie more often these days, still smart but somehow hip and rebellious at the same time. Silly really.

  8. andrew friedman says:

    we wear ties at work as necessary, which usually means a few times monthly. i find myself reaching for bow ties most of the time. not sure why. i definitely like tying them.

  9. Old School says:

    Looking forward to wearing ties again. Doesn’t make much sense to wear one at home in these terrible times.

  10. Andrew K. says:

    Just an FYI – right now you can get uni stripe Brooks Brothers OCBD’s for $49, if you can live without a pocket. Some of them are half priced, with a 30% additional discount on all sale items currently offered. So yeah, $140 shirts currently $49!

  11. Oldairhd says:

    Thanks! I read the whole blog in the last two weeks–my favorite ever for trad menswear. Inspiration for how to better incorporate forty plus years of never throwing any classic clothes away into my own “western collegiate” style.

  12. Basic Trad says:

    Haven’t heard from you in a month. Hope all is well. Keep up the good fight!

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