“What does a Trad girlfriend look like?,” Is one of my favorite threads over at Ask Andy’s Trad Forum and is clearly the inspiration behind this post. So, what does a trad girlfriend look like? She could be the pretty girl in a polo and pearls, the girl in Lily and a headband, or the woman with a wardrobe that closely resembles your own. A trad girlfriend is all of these women.
Clothes are only a small part of what makes a girlfriend trad. She will be your partner in mixed doubles, be at home on land or water, comfortable in the country (at the country club) or the city, and will help you weather life’s storms just like your trusty old Barbour. If you are really lucky she might even make you a needlepoint belt. This post is about appreciating all of the trad ladies out there.
Misnomer. Should read, “Wealthy trad girlfriend.”
Richard – Is there another kind? 🙂