Shorts on the Horizon

I’ve been down and out with the flu all week. I managed to make it out of bed yesterday, but I still haven’t got one single fit off all week. What I have done this week is sleep. A lot of sleep. While sleeping I also dreamed a lot. I dreamed about warm weather and wearing shorts. My fever dreams left me thinking that I need to add 2-3 pairs to the lineup this year. I’d like a batik pair and a non-fatigue olive pair, and potentially a pair in linen (yes, I said linen). Below are my current shorts. .

oxford cloth button down
Jerrod Swanton is a simple man interested in simple, classic, and traditional style.

10 Comments on "Shorts on the Horizon"

  1. Jonah says:

    Great post – also looking forward to shorts weather.

    Love the Patagonia shorts – any idea what they are specifically? Baggies?

    Also – at the beginning of building my wardrobe up. Are the shirts in pics 4&5 a specific type? I like the fit.

    • oxford cloth button down says:

      Thanks! They are 5″ baggies. I wear them a lot in the summer. Shirts in pics 4 & 5 are both Lands End all cotton mesh polos. I am a fan.

  2. michael powell says:

    A pink OCBD and olive chinos… I LIKE it. And a red knit tie… Yeah!

  3. Calvin says:


    Love that the shorts provide wider leg openings. When I’m looking, it’s always a battle between 90s polo shorts, which are a little wider than I like, and more current shorts, that are too slim!

    Mind IDing the pairs you’re wearing?


    • oxford cloth button down says:

      Calvin, you aren’t wrong! Modern shorts are too slim. The cut off shorts are Jcrew 1450 relaxed fit chinos. The other khaki shorts are Ralph Lauren Classic fit which are probably 5-10 years old. Not sure how the current models fit.

  4. John Smith says:

    Hey there. Love the post, I too, cannot wait for the preppiest summer I’ve ever prepped. I just ordered some Nantucket Red shorts I’m planning on wearing untucked with a yellow polo and boat shoes (sans socks, though this goes without saying).

    Been reading through the archives and you’ve inspired me to buy a surcingle belt to wear with blue/pink oxfords and chinos with burgundy Cole Haan made in USA full strap penny loafers. I think I’m gonna buy that stretch surcingle belt from Leatherman LTD that looks like it’s featured in the top of the May 2012 archives.

    I’m just slightly concerned the leather won’t be dark enough to wear with darker loafers. Can you confirm the model being offered on their site ( with the color navy and maroon featuring the classic flat tab is the same model as yours? Thanks!

    • oxford cloth button down says:

      Sounds great, John. If you click through the option of making the belt you will see that they have a darker leather option that looks like mine. I will say that mine is over 10 years old so it may be slightly different.

  5. Matthew Owen Brown says:

    Would love to know where you get your madras shirts.

    • oxford cloth button down says:

      Most of mine are from JPress and John Simons. They tend to have colors and patterns that I like. Also Ralph Lauren does some good ones each season typically with a flap pocket and without a pony.

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