I have been slowly, but surely checking items off my fall wish list. One of the items in this review I have been thinking about purchasing since last fall and the other since I first saw a Shaggy Dog. If the Shaggy Dog reference didn’t give it away, I will now, these two items are sweaters. Hardly a surprise I know, but still deserving of a post.

The first sweater is an oatmeal colored Shetland from Brooks Brothers (BB). I have actually been thinking about a sweater this color since last fall (my first Brooks Brother Shetland). When the sweater first arrived I was a little disappointed as it is a touch smaller than my other BB Shetland. In fact I thought that I may have to return it. On top of that, the first outfit that I tried it with was a miserable fail. After carefully examining the sweater it seemed that it was the shoulders and the neck opening that was making it feel too small. I fixed this by pulling the saddle shoulders area out and down while wearing it. It stretched out a bit after tugging on it and now all is well. On my second outing, I paired it with a pair of acorn colored cords which is what I had envisioned it with all along. The result of pairing the oatmeal sweater with acorn cords was perfect and also sounds like a tasty fall treat!
Oatmeal Brooks Brothers Sweater & Acorn Corduroys
The second sweater comes from the soon to be defunct Ralph Lauren Rugby brand. This was only my second purchase from Rugby (my first was regiment striped socks) so I did not know what to expect. I had heard that the sizing was small so I opted for a medium Shaggy Shetland in burgundy. The shaggy Shetland is a brushed Shetland which has a fuzzy (shaggy) appearance and is much softer than an ordinary Shetland. As I stated above it was my desire for a JPress Shaggy Dog sweater and not paying Shaggy Dog prices that drove this purchase. The Rugby sweater set me back less than 1/3 of what a Shaggy Dog would have and I have to say that I am more than satisfied with the quality. I could live without the suede elbow patches, but it is what it is. As far as fit goes a medium was probably the right choice. It is a touch long and does not hug my collar or hips exactly as I would like, but the shoulder seems are right on. I am not sure that a small would work, but I am tempted to try one and being that they are going out of business in February I might just be able to afford one pretty soon.
Burgundy Brushed Shetland from RL Rugby
Brushed Shetland
Two items crossed off my fall wish list and two more sweaters for my cedar chest! The cords that I mentioned (in pic #1) were also on my fall wish list and will be getting their own review soon. A few of the other items on my list are a duffle coat, duck boots, and chinos which are by far the most challenging item on the list. With the November and December sales season just a head I hope to get a few good deals and have more to share soon.