The dog days of summer have set in making the days long and hot, but don’t get too distraught as fall days filled with Shetlands and tweeds are just around the corner. Over the last the week I have used this time of transition to fill holes in my summer wardrobe and to get a head start on fall.
My first purchase was a new bathing suit. I had grown tired of my previous pair of trunks. With summer sales abound I picked up a deeply discounted suit from PRL. I am not sure if this the most trad pattern, but it is what I like.
Next I picked up a Varsity Town’s “Madisonairre”, brown tweed herringbone jacket on the secondhand market. I am very excited about this purchase. A brown herringbone tweed has long been on my want list (See my list here). It has all of the details that I look for (3/2 roll, dartless, swelled edge, hooked vent) minus patch pockets. I am still working out the fit details. More to come on this, but until then check out this post from Ivy Style on the Madisonairu (See here).
Summer is great for outdoor fun and I am not looking forward to its end, but it is the least exciting sartorial season. Now is a great time to spend a humid afternoon indoors taking advantage of summer sales and planning for autumn. I am off to find a pool.
Hello, Jerrod. Your Madisonairre jacket looks great. Very nice find. I have a similar model from J. Press and it is one of my favorite cold-weather items. It works with nearly anything, although I am partial to U-stripe and Tattersall shirts and wool challis or ancient madder ties with it.
I agree that Autumn is the best season for clothes, although I am not quite ready to give up on Summer yet. A few more weeks and the seersucker, cotton poplin, linen, madras, etc. will have to go into hibernation, so I am enjoying them while I can.
Down here, though, it can stay quite warm through September, so the transition season will be upon me, and I end up wearing the same few items over and over (lightweight wool suit or blazer, silk/wool/linen tweed sport coat, and khakis). By sometime in October, wool weather should be here in earnest, and I will welcome back Shetland sweaters, cotton cords, gray flannels and tweeds.